The acrylic bin display presentation systems are designed to allow a perfect display for products, jewelry, mercer, CD-Rom, video tape and others, with economy of space. Goods at the module boxes allow optimum viewing with appropriate lighting. This system can be manufactured in different sizes and shapes, depending on space which will be located and the size of products intended to be exposed.
To order presentation of such a system you must just to choose the type of system, size of display, how many steps you need for exposure your produscts and the number of divisions that you intend to have him on every step.

Large acrylic bin display

This acrylic bin display, with a length of over 150 cm, has the advantage that allows concentrated exposure of your products. It is particularly suitable for presenting a variety of products such as CDs, films, photography, electronics, toys, leather products, etc. Each shelf can be executed depending on the number of traps and the size you desire. Product Cod: 2.1.BIN

Small acrylic bin display

This kind of acrylic bin display is divided by a number of areas whose size is adaptable to the needs and characteristics of your products. Presentation system size is less than 50 cm, and can be ordered with the number of shelves and dividers that you want. Product Cod: 2.2.BIN

Height acrylic bin display

Presentation system that can be located in places with a small width but having a greater height. This support can be achieved with the number of shelves and dividers that you want, depending on the size of the products they intend to exhibit. Cod Produs: 2.3.BIN
Tehnical details

Product Code
custom upon request
*Custom dimensions for acrylic displays are available.
** This are only basic colors. Available for all kind of acryl colors.

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